District Students

District Students

This page allows you to add student files to your district, access Performance Tracker (Texas Only), and generate district-wide DNT and EOC (Texas Only) tracker reports.  


Data Templates Click here to use the template to manually upload data if you aren’t automated with your SIS.

Student View

Selecting Students from the District Management menu will show you a list of students in your district. Initially, 10 students will be shown, if student data has been uploaded manually or through automation. To view additional students, choose 10251001000, or All from the View drop‐down menu.  Districts can click on any student to be taken to the student dashboard.


Performance Tracker (Texas Only)

If your district uses the Performance Tracker toolkit, you can assess your District Performance Tracker page by clicking the Performance Tracker link at the top of the Students box.

DNT (Do Not Test) Report ( ALL STATES)

For Districts without Performance Tracker, you can generate a district-wide report of all DNT records associated with students at all campuses. (detailed instructions below)

Upload Student Files

If you are an Apprentice district or don't have your student, schedule, and teacher files automated for other reasons, upload new student files using the Upload Data button. (detailed instructions below)

You have the ability to run a report that shows all DNT (Do Not Test) records that CTCs associated with students across the district. (For districts without the Performance Tracker toolkit).  The report will outline data including:

  • Type (subject or course)

  • Test

  • Notes entered by the CTC

To generate the report, click on the District DNT Report button at the top of the Students page.

You will then select the type of report you would like to run: subject, course, or both. Selecting Subject or Course will produce a secondary Test drop-down that will allow you to specify the subject or course you want to be included in the report.

After you have made your Type and Test selections, click Generate Report.

Like other TestHound reports, the DNT report can be exported to Excel, PDF, or Word. Click on the floppy disk icon to select your export of choice.


Selecting Students from the District Management menu will show you a list of students in your district. Initially, 10 students will be shown, if you have loaded student data. To view additional students, choose 10251001000, or All from the View drop‐down menu.

Initially, no students will be loaded in TestHound. There are two methods for adding students. For Apprentice districts or districts without automated files from your SIS, the easiest method for adding students is to submit a file with all enrolled students in your district. To begin the file upload, click on Upload Data.


When you click on Upload Data at the top right, the following screen will open. You will be prompted to click on Choose File and then select the student data file you wish to upload. Once you have chosen the file, click Upload.


Once the file has successfully been uploaded, the Students window will be populated with your student data.

Student Data File Structure:

  • DistrictID– 6-digit county district number

  • CampusID – 3-digit campus ID (the leading zeroes will not hold in a CSV file)

  • StudentID – locally assigned student ID (not SS# or TSDS#) max 10 characters

  • FirstName-max of 50 characters

  • MiddleName-max of 50 characters

  • LastName-max 50

  • Sex-M or F

  • Grade Level-numeric only

  • 504 – true (yes) or false (no). an empty value will be set to false

  • Special Ed – true (yes) or false (no), an empty value will be set to false

  • LEP ‐ true (yes) or false (no), an empty value will be set to false.

  • TSDS- 10 digit State ID

 The column headings in your file must match those listed above for the import to be successful. Additionally, the file must be a “.csv” file.

I. Accessing the EOC Tracker (Texas Only)- District Management

Step 1. From District Management, click on the Students Tab

Step 2. The link to the EOC Tracker is in the upper right-hand corner of the Student Tab Table

II. Filtering Students

Filtering Directions

Filtering a group of students can be done with a variety of options.

The district has the option to Filter and Export All Students, or All Students served by a program, or Select a Campus, choose from Grade, Program, and get a more specific list of students.

Step 1: Select a Campus

Step 2: Select a grade level or leave at Select to Show All Students

Step 3: Select from the different programs (SPED, LEP, 504, GT) to filter out students in the special programs

Step 4: If wanting to view the students that have failed or are missing an EOC, check this box.

Step 5: The filter can be used at any time after any of the selections are made.  All boxes do not have to be populated to be able to filter.  (Ex.  If you only want to view students served by Sped, just use the Program filter and select Filter)

Step 6: Any filtered view can also be exported to Excel

III. Title Bar Filtering

Multiple filters can be done. 

Click on the Title (Sped) and a list will be generated that brings all of the Sped Students to the top, if you select Sped again, it will sort them to the bottom of the list. 

The LEP option can then be selected to bring to the top, students that are Sped and LEP. 

The tests can also be sorted to show blanks at the top, to indicate a missing score/test.


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