District Materials

District Materials

This page allows you to manage inventory at the district level. You can upload files, view materials progress, and track materials from here.

Download your checklist from your secure TIDE inbox.

You may consider saving a copy of the file so that you have an unopened copy. Then split the materials checklist between EOC and 3-8. Be sure to preserve any leading zeros. It is good practice to start with a clean file and paste from the original. Be sure to save as a .csv and then you can upload it into TestHound.

Selecting Materials > Inventory from the district menu will allow you to see the secure test booklet types and barcode ranges within a test administration after they have been uploaded. After selecting Materials > Inventory, you will be prompted to choose a Test Administration from the Select Admin drop-down menu.


The materials will be listed by the entity, i.e., district overage, and each campus. If the number of booklets scanned matches the amount indicated by the testing vendor, the table entries would be uncolored.  If the secure material has not been scanned, the records will be colored pink.

Inventory file availability depends solely on the publisher. Depending on the publisher, your inventory checklist:

  • will be uploaded by the district coordinator for test administrations.

  • may need to be created by the campus testing coordinator by adding the checklist items manually at the campus level.  Manual entry at the campus level occurs when the publisher does not provide a file for inventory verification, or when some of the items are missing and expected in a follow-up file, such as Braille or Large Print.  In this situation, follow the process listed below for Adding Checklist Items to create your inventory checklist.

Directions for uploading your district's Inventory Checklist for STAAR and STAAR Alt 2:

You will need to receive a copy of your inventory file checklist directly from your testing vendor.

Once you have the file, you’ll be able to upload it under District Management > Materials > Inventory.   

  1. From your District, Materials, and Inventory menu, select the appropriate test administration either STAAR ALT 2 EOC, STAAR ALT 2 3-8, STAAR EOC, or the STAAR 3-8, administration. Then click on the icon with an arrow pointing upward in a blue box to upload the file that you download from Pearson. 

  2. For STAAR Alt2, all material is contained in one checklist from the vendor. This means 3-8 and EOC are all in one file. In TestHound, these are 2 separate administrations. You have 2 options in loading the checklist. Depending on your comfort level with Excel, you can manually split the items in the file into 2 separate files, one for EOC items and one for 3-8 items. Then you can load the files separately into the 2 admins. OR you can leave the file as is and load it into both administrations. At the district level, you as the DTC will see all material in both admins. This means you will see EOC items on the 3-8 admin list and vice versa. Those items will never reconcile in that admin, but they will in the one they pertain to. Your campuses, however, will see what is pertinent to them only.

  3. Remember to save it as a .csv file to upload to TH. Any leading zeros in the district CDC number will have to be added back in.

If the vendor's checklist is listed by individual booklets rather than packets, i.e. STAAR ALT 2 you will be unable to scan in a range of booklets at once. Simply scan the bar code of each book in the kit (or cover sheet if applicable) (you will need to scan it 2 times to account for the beginning and end range) and move to the next booklet. 

To manage materials for District Overage, select the campus titled District Overage from the Campus drop-down menu on the right-hand side of the screen.  If you do not see this menu, click Home, and it should appear. The overage campus is for the DTC to manage the extra overage supply of booklets for the district. These can be transferred to campuses as needed to fill shortages. Campuses will scan their own assigned materials at their own campus.


The Materials section of TestHound incorporates several different areas of materials management identified below. You will scan your overage books into your inventory, transfer books as needed to your campuses and other districts, and create boxes to scan your overage materials back in as well as prepare district boxes for shipping back to the vendor.


When you select Materials > Inventory, you will be prompted to choose a test administration from the Select Admin drop-down menu.


After selecting a test administration, the Inventory table will be displayed:


Explanation of tabs:

  • Inventory – materials that have been scanned into inventory for the campus

  • Checklist – the information about inventory provided by the publisher

  • Transfers – the status of materials transfers

  • Booklet Audit – search for booklet information

This table lists the test materials assigned to your campus by the testing vendor. The table identifies:

  • Type – the type of material (i.e., secure manual, test booklets, etc.)

  • Test – the grade level and subject area

  • Version – the test version

  • Form- booklet form

  • L- booklet language

  • From – the beginning of the secure material barcode range

  • To–end of secure material bar code range

  • Qty – quantity assigned to your campus by the testing vendor

  • Trn – the number of booklets transferred if any

  • Act – number of test booklets that were scanned in at the campus level

    • Each entry (row) would be uncolored if the number of test materials scanned in matches the number of test booklets assigned by the testing vendor

  • Asg – number of test booklets assigned to students

  • Box – number of test booklets scanned back into TestHound inventory after testing is complete

  • Inv– number of booklets that do not exist in the checklist

  • Wrg– number of booklets that are not defined in inventory in the same fashion as the publisher's checklist. Causes are:

    • materials that were not originally on the checklist that was scanned into inventory in anticipation of an updated checklist correction, but defined differently than so defined by the publisher

    • materials that were on the original checklist, but the physical booklets differ in definition from what was sent in the publisher's checklist.

Selecting Materials > Inventory will allow you to:

  • Scan in the test materials that you received from the testing vendor

  • View missing test booklets

  • Track booklet assignments

Before scanning in your test materials, be sure that you have unpacked your boxes of secure test materials and placed the packets of materials in numerical order by grade level or subject, depending on the organization of the exams or publisher checklist.

To begin scanning, you will first need to select the test administration from the Select Admin drop-down for the secure test materials that you will be scanning in.

After selecting the appropriate test administration, select Receive Material to begin scanning your materials.

TestHound allows you to scan incomplete test booklet ranges via scanning packets of materials.  TestHound will alert you that you need to ensure that you have accounted for all packets in the sequence and that you have counted the spines of the test booklets to ensure that each packet contains the correct number of booklets before scanning. 

After selecting Receive Material, click in the Start Range field (shown below).

  • If your publisher provides cover sheets or labels with the full packet range in the bar codes, scan each packet (ex: Louisiana) to take your inventory. If the inventory scanned matches the information in the checklist, the system accepts the booklet range and allows you to scan the next line of booklets.

  • If your publisher does not provide cover sheets with inventory information in the bar codes, click in the End Range field and scan in the barcode that corresponds to the last test booklet on the packing sheet in your last packet of test materials for that grade or subject. You do not have to scan one packet at a time; you can scan the entire range of booklets by scanning the first in the range of material, and then the last.

After submitting a line of inventory, a Confirmation message will appear detailing how many booklets you will be adding to your inventory. Before clicking Submit, be sure to verify the number against your packing sheet.


 How do I edit or delete checklist items?


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