Data Templates

Data Templates

These are the templates for data uploads.  Use the information below to assist in file generation for uploading into TestHound.  All uploaded files must be in .csv format.

Welcome to the Education Advanced, Inc. family! We are excited that your district has purchased TestHound software. TestHound is a premier testing management software your assessment team uses to plan and track student assessments. You have been designated, by your district, as the technical contact. As the technical contact, we will be working together to ensure that your district is set up for automatic data processing. 


There are four data files needed for TestHound: Teachers, Students, Schedules, and demographics. Detailed specifications are found below.

When sending each file, please name them as follows: *(If the files are not named correctly they will not process)

  • D_TH_Students_[State Abbrev.]_DistrictID.csv ex. D_TH_Students_TX_123456.csv

  • D_TH_Teachers_[State Abbrev.]_DistrictID.csv ex. D_TH_Teachers_TX_123456.csv

  • D_TH_Schedules_[State Abbrev.]_ DistrictID .csv ex. D_TH_Schedules_TX_123456.csv

  • D_TH_Demographics_[State Abbrev.]_ DistrictID .csv ex. D_TH_Demographics_TX_123456.csv

*The Demographics file is only for Texas customers at this time.


Please note it is essential that the Local Student ID you use be consistent across all files. The Local Student ID also needs to match what you use with your accommodation vendor. For example, if you use a 6-digit number with a leading zero like 012345 in VENDOR, also do so in the files you send us. This will make sure that when VENDOR sends their file, it all matches seamlessly. 

Please ensure that you are pulling all codes as PEIMS reportable codes, not your local codes. For example, for your free/reduced indicators, please use 00, 01, 02, or 99. per the TEDS data standards. 

Also, if you are on a semester system, you should send schedule data only for the current semester.


TestHound accepts delivery of feed data by Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP). The basic information needed to connect with and deliver your district's feeds to TestHound is provided below. 

Hostname: uploads.testhound.com (Please do not use / for the path. The path should be blank)

Protocol: SFTP

Port: 22 

Username(case sensitive): FTP_TH_<ST>_<DistrictID>  ex. FTP_TH_TX_123456

Password: reply when ready to send data and we will send a time-sensitive link to obtain the password. 

You can set the files to upload at any time before 2 AM Central. 

When you are ready to upload an initial file set (or if you encounter any issues) please let us know. 


PLEASE Do not email any files, as they contain sensitive data. Only send them via the SFTP process. We will delete any files sent via email.* 

 PLEASE Do not include the SSN in any file. PEIMS ID Fields have been removed from the Demographics file template. We do not collect this data.

"Teachers" data template


"Students" data template Spreadsheet

"Schedules" data template

“Demographics” data template (Updated for 2022)


Skyward SMS 2.0 Interface files

-The file name will need to be changed per the above specifications.

-The SFTP information will need to be added in Sky Build for exporting files.

  • We no longer require PEIMS ID/SSN so please make sure to remove it from the Demographics report completely. There should no longer be a column for it at all

eSchool Scripts


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