The Processing of Data Updates box gives a date and time that the last student, teacher, schedule, and demographic files (for performance track districts) were uploaded into TestHound. The DTC may choose to suspend nightly uploads of the Teacher's file to prevent any changes campus users make on the teacher management page located in the Campus Management Menu. File processing may also be disabled at the district level during the summer to allow for summer testing consolidation. To suspend any file uploads, click on the pencil icon.
Data alerts that are Red with the NP designation indicate yours has not been published in the last three days. A data alert that is Green with a P designation indicates the data did publish. When a district-level user turns off a data feed, that line will be Gray and say OFF.
Hovering over the file's name with your mouse will give you essential information about the file so you can check with your district data department if there are problems.
When hovering your mouse over the demographic file, you will notice a message that alerts you to the percent % that matches your Demographic file to your student file. A match indicates that a student exists in both the Student and Demographic files your district is sending TestHound. A match of 90% and up is considered successful. If you notice your match is below 90% you may check with your district technology team to ensure the files being sent nightly are updated and matching.