District Reports

District Reports


What reports help me with the TIDE testing platform?


TestHound offers reports to help you interface with the Cambium/TIDE testing platform to manage testing information for students. Students can be registered for testing using the Performance Tracker Registration File. Once students are registered, these reports can help you manage other aspects of the students' testing information in TIDE.

NOTE: Campuses can also run these reports, so it may be necessary to coordinate where they will be managed.

Interim Above Grade Level/EOC: this report is for the identification/flagging/registering of 3-8 Interim off-grade level testers or EOC Interim testers. For 3-8 students, the report will flag the student with the off-grade level test they are taking. Students should be added to the correct test they will actually take. TestHound will compare this to the student’s enrolled grade and include them off grade level in the report to be uploaded to TIDE. The screenshot below shows 16 third-grade students who were added to the 4th-grade math test. For Interim EOC, the students in those tests will be flagged as eligible to take the test they are assigned to in TestHound.

TIDE Roster- This report allows you to upload to TIDE all the students in the test and their room assignments for testing. This will enable you to print your test tickets in TIDE by room number. It will also tie the test administrator to the room for reporting purposes. Note: This report does NOT create the TIDE session for you. You can edit the email address to reflect the teacher you would like to have access to the scores.

Test Attributes- this report will allow any student who has an online accommodation, to have that attribute turned on for them in the TIDE testing platform. It is important that all accommodation information is verified and all Auto Pilot alerts accepted at the campus before running this report. Students must also be assigned to a test in TestHound.

District Auto Pilot users should be sure everything is mapped and published for the campuses.

Under District Management, go to Reports, select Test Attributes, click Request Test Attributes, choose Administration, and format=Test Attributes, then hit Request. 

Things to note:

  1. This report is for state assessments.

  2. From the district level, if a new attributes report needs to be run for a test administration, delete the original file and select Request Test Attributes to re-run the file.

  3. This report, at the district level, will only contain ON values for students who need an attribute turned on. If the district uploads the file, and the student information changes, campuses will need to manually update it in TIDE or run the report at the campus level. The campus-level report contains ON and OFF values for all kids in the test.

  4. For the campus version of this report we removed the permissive mode attribute so that the upload will be accepted from campus level users by the testing vendor.


STAAR Non-Embedded Supports- this report will be uploaded to TIDE to track students who have some other designated support other than the online supports included in the attributes report. It does not track specifically what the designated support is, only what is required by the state.

Eligibility Reports-the eligibility reports are used to populate the correct students for each test administration and flag them in TIDE as eligible to test. If you don’t use the TestHound registration file, this is the final step in registering students for a test. You can upload the appropriate eligibility report to flag the correct students for the test. Students must be in the test in TestHound for the eligibility report to populate.

If you want to use the TestHound All Student with Test Registration file, it is a stand alone file that will register students for testing without them having to be in the test in TestHound AND without having to run the eligibility reports. The eligibility flags are contained in our registration file.


UPDATE: the new ALL Students with Test Registration file in Performance Tracker will include EOC students who need to test based on course mapping that is done at the district level in the Schedules menu.

Prior to generating the new All Students with Test Registration file, the courses to include for EOC tests must be mapped/associated in the Schedules menu. December (and all) retesters will be identified based on uploaded scores, courses do not have to be mapped for December EOC unless you are testing students enrolled in the courses in December.

Spring Retesters will be automatically identified using the Performance Tracker Score files that have been uploaded at the district level. It is important to keep scores updated in order for the retester inclusion in the file to be correct. Be sure to load all scores after each test administration and routinely run SDR files to receive students' records from the testing vendor who did not test with you.

A retester is a student that does not have an exclusion and has a score indicating a “not met” standard. Score codes with A or O will also be included.

Any students that need to test in December, but have no past performance data can be added to the state December EOC test administration and will be included on the December EOC Eligibility report.

This file also needs to be deleted before a new one is requested.

 STAAR Above Grade Level: This report will include STAAR 3-8 students who are testing above grade level. Students should be added to the test they will actually take and TestHound will compare that to the enrolled grade and flag the above grade column for upload to TIDE. This report is for 3-8 tests only. For Students needing to take Algebra, the Registration file will flag all students for the EOC tests, if course mapping has been done at the district level under Schedules/Course Assoc.

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