District Tests

District Tests

This page allows you to add tests to district-created administrations, and manage the subject and grade level from this page. 

To create a new test within the test administration, choose the administration, then click the [+] sign to a new test.

You will need to complete the following fields on the Tests screen.

  • SELECT ADMIN – choose a test administration the test belongs to

  • TYPE (2 choices)

    • Course OR

    • Grade

    • When making a local administration it is best NOT to mix grade and course level tests. Set up an admin for the 3-8 tests and a separate one for the EOC tests.

  • GRADE - Choose the appropriate course or grade

  • SUBJECT - The subject selected will determine the subject area accommodations pulled

  • TITLE of test


Once all fields are complete, click Submit.

Repeat this process to finish creating all tests within the test administration.

Repeat the steps above to add all appropriate grade level and subject area tests for the test administration.

Note:  Additional tests can only be added to local assessments. Tests are only accessible by campuses that have the assigned grade levels and courses associated with each test. For example, elementary schools won't have access to secondary tests and vice versa. 

To edit a testing date, click on the edit button.

Select the new test date and click submit.


The following recommendations are meant to serve as a guide if you consolidate campuses for summer testing.

Data Feeds & Student Campus Assignment - DTC Must Perform These Tasks

Update the Student Data file for re-testers at consolidated campuses.

  • Requirements: you will need

    1. The student data file that is sent to TestHound.

    2. A file with a list of IDs for re-testers. 

    3. Create and configure the new campus(es) in TestHound for summer testing.

  • Data Feeds & Student Campus Assignment

    • Turn off the nightly data feeds to ensure any changes made to student campus assignments will not be overwritten by nightly data. This is done on the district home page processing of data box. Click edit, and suspend the feeds.

    • Ensure all accommodations for students are entered into TestHound and verified at the current campuses prior to turning off the nightly data feeds

    • The DTC can create a summer testing campus within TestHound as a location for housing retesters during the June administration, use a campus number that will not be confused with other campuses. i.e. 999. If you are testing at a current campus, this step is not needed.

    • Edit the student data upload to associate retesters with the 3-digit campus ID of the summer testing campus and manually upload the data in District Management > Students > Upload Data. It is best if you ADD the Student IDs and summer campus IDs to the bottom of the file that is being sent nightly and re-upload the whole thing. This way students will not be unenrolled from all the campuses.

    • The DTC can assign a CTC to the summer testing campus

    Accommodations and Assigning Students to Tests

    • The CTC must process the New student alerts to add the students to the summer testing campus

    • The CTC will need to pull student accommodation histories for previously entered accommodations to be associated with students

    • The CTC can upload a list of students needing to participate in the summer retests within each test (i.e. Grade 5 Reading, Grade 5 Math, etc.)

      • [+] > Students > Add > File

      • The file contains a header (StudentID) and the local ID of each student needing to participate in the first column and must be saved as a .csv.

      • If you are a performance tracker district, and you have loaded the latest data file of scores, CTCs should be able to add students to the test using the add by retesters option in the test.

      • The CTC may create the necessary test administrators if needed, and rooms at the summer testing campus


    • To associate the inventory with the summer testing campus, ensure transfers are initiated by the DTC to the summer campus and received by the CTC at the summer testing campus

    • After transfers have been received the CTC may assign students to test booklets

    • At the end of testing, all material will be scanned into boxes at the summer testing campus

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