District Auto Pilot

District Auto Pilot

This page allows you to control the Auto Pilot subject and accommodation mappings for your district. You can map external accommodations to their TestHound counterpart, edit, and delete individual mappings and add and manage notes. The subsections below contain brief walk-through videos and frequently asked questions.

Auto Pilot FAQ

This brief video below will walk you through the steps of setting up your Auto Pilot Map to receive data from your accommodations vendor.

Setting Up Your Auto Pilot Map

To create a new Auto Pilot map, click on New Map (blue box with white +).


You will be prompted to enter a title for the accommodation mapping.  Type in a title, and then select Submit.

After creating a name for the mapping, you will be returned to the Accommodation Mapping table. 

Next, select the Auto Pilot mapping title that you have created to edit the map settings.

After the mapping process is complete, you will be able to modify the map settings. To begin, click to select the accommodation vendor and map settings.

From the Vendor drop-down select the appropriate vendor or manual upload if your district will be submitting a file.

  • Process Auto Pilot Feed Data should be On.

  • Process Vendor notes will be defaulted to Off. Select "on" if you wish to process vendor notes.

  • Auto Publish Data should be On.


Once the selections are complete, click Update.

District users will need to associate the subjects in the Auto Pilot upload to existing subjects in TestHound.  Using the External Subjects and TestHound Subjects drop-down menus on the Subject Assoc tab, match subjects from your upload to the subjects in TestHound.  Once you have matched the subject areas, click Submit.

Please note that external subject areas can be mapped to multiple TestHound subject areas, i.e. Reading to English and Reading to Reading/ELA.  We recommend this for vendors who do not specify English as a subject.

  1. Select Auto Pilot and then click on an Auto Pilot map name.

  2. On the Subj. Assoc tab you will see the External Subjects (from your accommodation vendor) on the left and a drop-down menu for TestHound Subjects on the right.

  3. From the box below External Subjects click on a subject name (Reading, Math, Science, IEP, 504, etc.) and choose the corresponding subject from the TestHound Subjects drop-down menu.

  4. Select Submit to create the association.

  5. Once an external subject is mapped you will see an asterisk (*) next to the subject area.

  6. NOTE THAT IF THE VENDOR DOES NOT HAVE ENGLISH AS A SUBJECT, you will need to map Reading and Writing to English to cover the high school accommodations in TestHound. Reading and Writing should also be mapped to their own to account for elementary and middle school subjects. So those subjects will be double-mapped.

Mapping Accommodations Video

Once the subject associations are complete, district users will need to associate accommodations from the Auto Pilot upload to TestHound.  This process can be completed for all subjects using the ALL Acc tab or done by individual subject areas.

Using the External Accommodations and TestHound Accommodations drop-down menus, match accommodations from your upload to the accommodations in TestHound.  Once you have matched accommodations, click Submit.

If an accommodation from the Auto Pilot upload does not match in TestHound, the district user can go back to the main accommodations page and create a new TestHound accommodation to match what is being imported.  This commonly occurs when an accommodation exists for one or two subjects, but not all.


District users may also enter accommodations notes.  To enter an accommodation note during the mapping process, type the note in the Notes box and then hit submit. 

To add notes after mapping has been done, users will need to click on the blue box on the appropriate accommodation line in the table to add or edit a note. The empty blue boxes indicate no notes have been added. Blue boxes that include lines indicates notes have been added.

More than 1 external accommodation can be mapped to a TestHound accommodation.  For example, extra time (same day) and extra time (end of the day) can both be mapped at one time to Extra Time.  Simply highlight both accommodations in the external box and choose the matching accommodation in the TestHound box, and hit submit.


If you map an accommodation incorrectly, simply click on the trash can item on the right-hand side of that line to remove the mapping.  The accommodation will return to the External Accommodations drop-down menu and you will now be able to map it correctly. The accommodation will have to be deleted for all the subjects to which it is mapped in the table.

After the mapping process is complete, click to evaluate your file and determine if there are any errors.  A data analysis window will open.  If any errors are present, a Mapping Error message will be displayed.  You will need to click Close and return to the mapping associations to correct the errors.


You will be able to map partial data from the vendor file and publish that data to campuses, but there will still be data you will need to complete before all data can be processed and published out to campuses.  This allows you to map what you can and send that out to campuses but wait on other data you might need to double-check before mapping and publishing.  Campuses will receive the data you mapped and will have a message stating there is still a mapping error at the district level to be completed.

Once all errors are corrected, click to evaluate your file again.  If no errors are found, click Publish to push accommodations out to campuses.



Once the accommodations have been published, a window will open as confirmation.  Click Close.


The date of the last publication of accommodation data, manually or automatically, will appear on your Auto Pilot page associated with each vendor map profile.  If you published your mapped accommodation data manually, you will see an Auto Pilot - Last Ran message showing that the data was a manual publish.

Once you have mapped accommodations, they appear in the mapping table below.  You can easily search the map for an external accommodation, or a TestHound accommodation to see how they are mapped and change them if necessary. Use the search fields at the top of the mapping table to search for accommodations.


Note: As a district user, you are able to export a report of the currently mapped Auto Pilot accommodations to Excel or PDF from the All Acc tab and individual subject tabs for each mapped vendor file with an export icon at the top right of the Assoc. Count table.

From time to time you may have an external accommodation that is sent from the vendor that does not have a specific match in TestHound. If this happens you may need to create a local accommodation. This will allow you to match the incoming external accommodation to a locally created TestHound accommodation.

Click on the Accommodations tab in your District Management Menu. Then select New.


Next, select the desired subject(s).

Select the Type of accommodation.

Then you will need to type what the accommodation is in the Title box. Then click submit.

The locally created accommodation will then show in the main accommodations list.


Click on the Auto Pilot link to navigate back to Auto Pilot and the local accommodation will show in the Test Accommodations list to be selected for mapping.

*Best practice is to use the TestHound accommodations that are initially created in the system, and utilize AP notes to add any additional information. However, on rare occasion there may be times when you need to create a local accommodation using the steps above.


If you would like to delete an association you have made with an accommodation, and remap that accommodation to a new association, you can delete the previous mapping in the table and then choose the accommodation in the external accommodation box and remap it from there.

  1. Find the association(s) in the table you wish to delete and remap. (You can use the search boxes in the table to help you find the association.

  1. Select the boxes to the left of the accommodation associations you would like to delete. Once all accommodations to be deleted have been selected click the delete all selected option at the top of the page.

  2. After you have deleted the mapping(s) for all the subjects in the table, it will appear back in the external accommodations box where you typically map new accommodations.

  1. You can now remap the accommodation(s) to the new TestHound accommodation you choose.

  2. Remember to publish the changes to the campuses by clicking the Evaluate button and clicking Publish.


Campuses will need to accept the Auto Pilot alerts on their homepage to apply the changes to the students.

*If you would like to clear out ALL accommodations and start fresh, navigate to the section on How do I clear our manual or old accommodations at my campuses? NEW FEATURE!

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