The Evaluator as the Evaluatee

The Evaluator as the Evaluatee

If an administrator is being evaluated within Evaluation software, the administrator will have two account profiles, My Evaluator Account and My Evaluation. When the administrator logs into the system, the evaluator account will be the default profile but can toggle between their evaluator and personal accounts using one login credentials.

How Do I Switch from my Evaluator Account to My Personnel Evaluation Account

  • Switch to your personal account by hovering over your name on the navigation bar in the upper right and click “My Evaluation

How Do I Add Items to My Personal Evaluation as an Evaluator

(Districts Using Checklists)

  1. To add an item not listed on the Checklist, click “Add Item” located on the Non- Checklist Evaluation Items header

  2. On the dropdown, select and click on the desired item to complete. Item will be listed under the section Non-Checklist Evaluation Items

(Districts Not Using Checklist)

  1. To add an item not listed on your dashboard, click “Add Item” located on the Evaluation Items header

  2. On the dropdown menu select and click on the desired item to complete. Item will be added to your evaluation items list



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