Support for Evaluators
This space provides support specific to the evaluator role. Here you will find step-by-step process guides, video tutorials, and answers to frequently asked questioned questions.
Watch the complete Evaluation Implementation Learning Series video tutorials
Access a Staff Member
How do I do a quick search for staff member?
How do I access a staff member from a dashboard?
How do I edit an evaluatee assignment?
How to submit an administrator-initiated Artifact on behalf an evaluatee?
How do I review and convert a staff-initiated Artifact to an Administrative Artifact?
How to reopen and send an Administrative Artifact back to the Evaluatee for editing?
Evaluation Items - Move, Delete, Reopen
How do I move an observation from the Non-Checklist Evaluation Items to the Checklist?
How do I delete an observation?
How do I reopen a Completed Observation?
How to reopen a Self-Assessment for an evaluatee?
How do I restore a deleted Item?
How do I complete an end of cycle Finalization/Summative on an evaluatee? (Certified Staff)
How do I complete an end-of-cycle Summative on a classified evaluatee? (Classified Staff)
Observation, Scripting, and Rubric Alignment
How do I use Preliminary and Final Marks?
How do I make Preliminary Marks my default setting?
How do I schedule an announced and unannounced observation?
Updating Evaluatee’s Assignments
How can a building administrator assign and/or remove primary or secondary evaluators??
How do I schedule an announced and unannounced observation?
The Evaluator as an Evaluatee
How do I switch from my Evaluator account to my personnel evaluation account?
How do I add items to my personal evaluation as an evaluator?
Related page: Reports & Analytics