How do I use Preliminary and Final Marks?

How do I use Preliminary and Final Marks?

*Please note that Final and/or Preliminary Marks must first be allowed and turned on for the district
When mapping evidence to the rubric in an observation, the evaluator has two options to mark rubric competency indicators using Preliminary Marks or Final Marks.

• Preliminary Marks are used to tag a competency indicator to more than one piece of evidence. The evaluator may witness the competency being represented multiple times throughout an observation and may be at different proficiency levels. Using preliminary marks, the evaluator and staff member can track each occurrence the competency is witnessed.

• Final Marks are given as an overall observation mark of a competency of the evidence collected. Competency indicators can only be marked once. Final marks may be used as the only mark in tying evidence to a rubric or assigned in conjunction with preliminary marks.

• When Preliminary Marks are used, after tying the evidence to indicators, the evaluator can toggle to Final Marks, review competency preliminary marks, and using professional
judgement give a final overall mark for the competency observed.
Preliminary marks aid in determining Final marks in an observation. The cumulative Final marks
aid in providing the Summative rating with ease.

Final & Preliminary Marks Settings

Within the observation editor, the option for setting Final/Preliminary Marks and the option for viewing marks are directly below each Domain in the rubric.

(A) Toggle between Final and Preliminary Marks (applied to all Domains)
(B) View Marks in Scripting allow you to view/compare linked evidence for the selected standard
(C) Hide/show Previous Marks while mapping current observation

To change marks, toggle the switch between Final & Preliminary Marks

  • The marks shown in blue text = on, text in grey = off


Preliminary Marks are used to tag a competency indicator to more than one piece of evidence. The evaluator may witness the competency being represented multiple times throughout an observation and may be at different proficiency levels or indicators. Using preliminary marks, the evaluator and staff member can track each occurrence the competency is witnessed.

  • Preliminary Marks are active when toggled on and “Preliminary (mark multiple” is highlighted in blue text

  • Evaluators can tag a competency indicator to multiple pieces of evidence within a single observation

A. In the Rubric, preliminary marks appear as open circles at the end of the indicator

B. In the Scripting, preliminary marks appear as an open box with coding identifying the indicator

Align scripted evidence with Preliminary Mark

To tag evidence to an indicator with a preliminary mark

  • set the cursor at the end of the evidence > hover over the indicator descriptor in the rubric > click on the text when you see the pointing hand cursor and/or the descriptor underlined

Delete a Preliminary Mark within the rubric

Delete an unwanted preliminary mark on the rubric.

Note: Deleting the preliminary mark on the rubric will also remove it from the aligned evidence in the scripting area.

  • Click on the preliminary mark (1) in rubric that you want to delete (2) A pop-up confirmation box will appear showing what evidence the indicator is linked to and asking to confirm that you wish to delete this mark. Click “Confirm”

Delete a preliminary mark in the scripting

Note: Deleting the preliminary mark in the scripting area will only disassociated the preliminary mark to the evidence in the scripting area. It will not remove it from the rubric.

  • RIGHT click (control-click) on the preliminary mark in the scripting (1) you wish to remove* (2) Confirm and click “Delete This Mark”

*If you are using the browser Mozilla Firefox, you need to click on the mark first, then right click to remove it

Best Practice - When finished tagging the scripted evidence to the rubric, change preliminary marks to Final to assign the overall final rating for any competency marked was preliminary for that observation.


  • Final Marks are active when toggled on and Final is highlighted in blue text

  • In the Rubric, (A) Final Marks are indicated with a solid shaded indicator cell

  • In the Scripting, (B) Final Marks appear as a solid shaded box with coding identifying the indicator

Assign a Final Marks

  • Set the cursor at the end of the evidence /scripting > hover over the indicator descriptor in the rubric > click the text when you see the hand cursor and the descriptor underlined > the cell will turn a solid color of the competency level selected

To Remove a Final Mark

  • Hover over the indicator descriptor in the rubric and click on the text when you see the pointing hand cursor and the descriptor underlined

Using Final Marks with Preliminary Marks

  • Change Preliminary Marks to Final (mark once). Final Marks are active when toggled on and Final is highlighted in blue text

  • Final marks should be placed at the end of the scripting. The preliminary marks are already tagged to specific evidence, so the final marks just need to be at the bottom

  • To decide on a final mark, the evaluator can look at all the preliminary marks (open circles) and using professional judgement, decide what the final rating would be for that competency

  • Click (A) “View Marks” or “View Marks in Scripting” for a popup window showing the selected Competency’s preliminary marks with the tagged evidence in that observation

  • Click (B) “View Cumulative Data” in the popup window to see where the selected competency has been marked in all observations conducted in the current year/evaluation cycle


  • Hover over your name in the upper right on the navigation bar and click “Personal Settings” (1)

  • Under Evaluation Settings, (2) click “Preliminary Mark Settings”

  • The active default is Final (mark once), (3) toggle (click) the switch to Preliminary (mark multiple) > The text will turn blue indicating active and you will receive a message of your new setting



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