Searching for an Existing Standard Set

Searching for an Existing Standard Set

Searching for an Existing Standard Set to add to your District Departments


There is a quick and efficient way to see whether a standard set is available withing the Embarc platform to add to your district departments.

  1. Navigate to Curriculum-Reports

  2. Select the Available Standard Sets report

    1. For Standard Provider: choose the state or other standard provider (ACT, College Board, or other national organization)

    2. For Standard Set: choose All Sets

    3. Click OK

You can now view a list of the standard sets available from that provider.

If the list of standards is long, please follow these additional steps.

3. Once the report generate, export it as an Acrobat (PDF) file- be sure to click “Export”

4. In a Chrome browser, you now have the ability to utilize the Control F function to search for the title of the standard set.

Once you locate the standard set, please note the header as this will allow you to find it faster as you add to a department in your district. For instructions to add a standard set to a department, click here.

Please note: Only System Administrators, Curriculum Directors, and Departmental Curriculum Coordinators have the ability to add standards at the department level. If you need a standard set added and do not have the appropriate user permissions, please contact your district’s System Administrator.

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