JSM - Support Request Instructions

JSM - Support Request Instructions

Opening a ticket


To begin, click the link at the bottom of any help page.  This will open a new Product Customer Service window.

Questions? For support, please submit a ticket below, call 903-858-4497
Create a Support Ticket: https://educationadvanced.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portals


Using this window, you may search for a topic or select a product to search our knowledge base for an answer to your question.


To use the search feature, begin typing in the space to “Find help and services” In this example, we searched for “teachers.”  Here are the results:


To open a ticket, click on the product for which you need assistance:


Before you open a ticket, we give you another self-service opportunity to find an answer to your question.


If you still need assistance, scroll to the bottom, and click, Contact Us.

This opens a service request:


 Click the product name.  In this example, we chose Cardonex:


This opens the ticket so you can enter details regarding the subject for which you need assistance:

Summary:  In this section, please briefly describe the issue you are experiencing.   There is a description section below where you can include more detail.

Issue Type:  Please select from the drop-down menu.

Area of Application:  Please select from the drop-down menu.

Phone number:  Please list a phone number where you can be reached.

State:  Please type in the two-digit abbreviation for your state or select from the drop-down menu.

District Name:  Please enter your school district

Campus Name: Please enter your campus

Description:  Please include as much detail as possible.  This will allow your agent to effectively troubleshoot the issue.  If you received an error message or something unexpected, please include the steps you took before the issue arose. 

Attachment:  Please include screenshots or other documents that will help troubleshoot the issue.  Use the Browse button to locate the document on your desktop to attached here.

 Click Send when all data is filled in.

A support agent will be in touch within an hour.


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Questions? For support, please submit a ticket below

Create a Support Ticket