Rubric Creation Guide
Use this page to review the available options for rubrics. If using a licensed rubric, options are limited. The Rubric Template is a great resource to start.
Rubric Set Up
Open each carrot to determine the Rubric Set Up options. Each rubric uploaded into Evaluation must include a Y/N answer for each question.
Finalization/Summative Worksheet per Rubric
Open each carrot to determine the Finalization/Summative scoring options. Each rubric uploaded into Evaluation must have a Finalization/Summative Worksheet completed.
Rubric Outline Requirements
A. Domain Title
Weight - The total of each Domain should equal 100%.
B. Standard Title
Unlimited number of standards per domain
C. Proficiency Level
A rubric may contain as few as two proficiency levels or as many as five. It is recommended that each rubric follow the same orientation even if using different proficiency levels. Clarify if the rubric should read lowest to highest or highest to lowest. In this example, the rubric reads high to low.
Numerical value - each proficiency level must have a numerical value
D. Indicator Descriptor
Below each standard are the indicator descriptors. Each indicator descriptor can be selected in Evaluation.
Indicators descriptors can be as simple as the Proficiently Level (Highly Effective) or detailed descriptors of proficiency level with examples (The teachers' understanding of content and pedagogy fosters deeper learning, student agency, and intellectual dispositions such as curiosity, reasoning, and reflection.).
At least 1 indicator descriptor is required for each standard but a standard can house up to 13 descriptors.
If using the template, each box will count as 1 descriptor.