

All reports available within TestHound are generated using the schedule for administration.

  • To access the reports for an administration, click on the Reports menu.

All reports available can be found using the Report Type drop-down menu.

The available reports within TestHound are listed and described below:

  • Master Schedule – a list of all students with the rooms they are assigned.  Select the Admin, Test(s), Days, Sessions, Rooms, Include a Homeroom or Class Period, and Select Sort Style.

  • Test Administrator Schedule – a list of teachers and the rooms they are assigned to

  • Material Control- a list of student ID, Last Name, First Name, Grade, and Booklet ID as well as a grid for the seating chart

  • Master Materials- a list of Rooms, Test Administrator, Type of Material, Range of test booklet security numbers, and quantity of booklets.

  • Material Control FL – a list of students assigned to each room with

    • Attendance

    • Accommodations Offered

    • Accommodations Used

    • Seating Chart FL – a list of students assigned to each room with

    • The option to include a seating chart grid

    • Space for Test Group Code/Session ID

    • FLEID

    • Column for computer number

  • Room Accommodations – a list of students assigned to a testing room with a detailed name of accommodations along with any custom notes entered.

  • Seating Chart - StateID, Student Name, and a column for the computer number

  • Student Changes- select two tests that need to be compared.  The comparison looks at Room, test form, online, and language


Differences in the two tests will be highlighted in Yellow


  • Room Roster – a list of all students assigned to a testing room.

  • Room Start/Stop- a place to document the start/stop times of each student

  • Room Electronics- add the campus/district electronic policy, also provides a place for each student to sign 

  • Room Attendance – a list of all students assigned to a testing room with a column to indicate absent (can be used to track attendance and deliver to attendance clerks)

  • Master Materials- allows the user to generate a report identifying the material type, range, and quantity assigned to each room and test administrator during a test administration.

  • Form Letter- allows the user to generate a letter that includes the testing setup for each student, select the Admin, Test(s), Days, Sessions, Include a Homeroom or Class Period, and Select Sort Style.  The body of the letter can be left blank or include text.


Once the Report Type is selected, the following options to filter the report can be selected

  • Administration

  • Test(s) – i.e. Algebra I, Biology, or All Tests

  • Day – individual day or all test days

  • Sessions (testing times)

  • Room – an individual room or all rooms based on the selections above

To generate the report based upon the selections made, choose Generate Report

  • The report will be displayed within the preview window

    • To export, the report for printing select the blue floppy disk and choose the format

      • Excel, PDF, or Word

TestHound offers reports to help you interface with the Cambium/TIDE testing platform to manage testing information for students.

NOTE: The district testing coordinator can also run these reports, so it may be necessary to coordinate where they will be managed.

Your district coordinator will register students for each test administration in TIDE. Once they are registered, these additional reports will help you in managing the other aspects of the test.

Interim Above Grade/EOC Level (TX Only)- this report is for the Interim tests. For 3-8 students, it will flag the student with the off-grade level code. Students should be added to the campus for the correct test they will actually take. TestHound will compare this to the student’s enrolled grade and mark the off-grade level code in the report to be uploaded to TIDE. The screenshot below shows 16 third-grade students who were added to the 4th-grade math test.

TIDE Roster (Texas & FL Only)- This report allows you to upload to TIDE all the students in the test and their room assignments for testing. This will enable you to print your test tickets in TIDE by room number. It will also tie the test administrator to the room for reporting purposes. Note: This report does NOT create the TIDE session for you.

Test Attributes (Texas & FL Only)- this report will allow any student who has an online accommodation, to have that turned on for them in the TIDE testing platform. It is important that all accommodation information is verified and all Auto Pilot alerts accepted at the campus before running this report.

STAAR Non-Embedded Supports (Texas Only)- this report will be uploaded to TIDE to track students who have some other designated support other than the online supports included in the attributes report. It does not track specifically what the designated support is, only what is required by the state.

STAAR Above Grade Level Report

The STAAR Above Grade Level Report will register/flag your students who are testing above grade in 3-8, for their above grade test instead of their grade level test. Campuses will add the students to the test they are taking, in this example these are 4th graders who have been added to the 5th grade math test. The report flags them for the 5th grade test and when uploaded to TIDE, will allow them to log in and take that test, rather than their 4th grade math test. (This is not for use with 8th graders taking Algebra, this is for 3-8 tests only. To register students for EOC tests, use the TestHound Registration file.)


EOC Eligibility Report (non admin specific)

The EOC Eligibility Report can be used in conjunction with your SIS registration file to turn on the testing eligibility flags for students. Students must be in a test session in TestHound for this report. This report is non admin specific, so adjustments may need to be made to the Attribute Name, etc. column(s) in accordance with Cambium format requirements. (The TestHound registration file can be used in the place of this report to register students and flag them for the tests all in one report.)

Check out our Campus Reports help page for more details on reporting!

Educational Sessions? Click here Educational Sessions

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