Reports (Texas)

The Reports page changes based on requests for various reports from school districts. If you don’t see a report here that would be helpful, please submit a support ticket and request it. We will add it to the list of requested feature additions and consider it for a future update to Pathways.

Diploma Reports

Graduation Diploma Requirements Report

Indicates students who may be deficient in the curricular requirements for various diploma types

Build Your Own Report

Very flexible report allowing the user to pull various data points collected by Pathways into one place.

Cohort Progress Report

Indicates whether students have enough credits to advance to the next class - thresholds set at district level per cohort

4 Year Planner Report (.CSV)

Downloads a zip file with individual PDF files containing the 4 Year Planner for each student.

4 Year Planner Bulk (.CSV)

Downloads a zip file with individual csv files containing the 4 Year Planner data for each student.

Duplicate Course Enrollment

Looks for situations where a student is enrolled or scheduled to take a course for which they have already received credit. be patient.

  • Course "in progress" currently - already earned credit

  • Course “scheduled” currently - already earned credit

  • Course “scheduled” in a future year - already earned credit OR "in progress"

NOTE: Pathways reviews both the Grade Manager and 4-year Planner areas when looking for duplicates. Always make sure to check both areas when “cleaning” up issues.

Interest Inventory Report

For clients that use the ONet Interest Inventory, the report provides users with the Interest Category and Career Interest areas for students.

Texas Specific Reports


Detailed report listing all of the items that can count toward CCMR and which a student has earned.

CCMR Bonus Funding Estimator

Highly editable report that provides districts with an estimate of CCMR Bonus funding for any given cohort.

EOC Report

Detailed list of each student and the EOC score that was awarded and whether it is passing or not

Accelerated Testers

A list of students who have been indicated as Accelerated Testers including CCMR status and Bonus CCMR Status

Performance Acknowledgements

A list of the Performance Acknowledgements for each student

Dual Credits

A list of total credits as well as a breakdown for English, Math, Science, Social Studies, and Other.

Endorsement Report

Overall view of students' progress toward all of the endorsements.

Algebra II Completion Report

List of student names and how many Algebra II credits each has earned.

Grade Anomalies

Shows 3 types of courses:

  • Credit Earned w/out a Passing Grade

    • Ex. Year-long course grade averaged to passing, but one of the semesters was failing

  • Credit Not Earned with a Passing Grade

    • Ex. Credit not earned due to attendance

  • Recognized HS Courses with Credits, but NOT Marked as "Counts Toward GPA"

    • Ex. Specialized CTE or fine arts - school specific

Form Reports

Form/PGP Status Report

Lists students/others who have been sent validation/forms requests and the status of the requests. This report can also be used to batch send a validation request to a group of students

Forms Ready for Review

A list of all of the submissions that have been received from forms requests that have been sent. 

Utility Reports

Latest Automated Roster Update Details

Lists students who have been newly activated or deactivated in Pathways.

View All Log Reminders

A list of all of the log reminders that have been set by the user from two weeks before and one week after the current date

Texas Counseling Domains Student Log Report

Lists any logged contact hours (by student and domain) in compliance with newly-adopted Texas Education Code, which requires them to spend 80% of their work time on duties that are components of a counseling program and districts to track that time.

User Access Log Report

A list of all of the users in the Pathways system and the number of actions that have taken place by that user in the past 7 days and the past month

Test Reports

ASVAB Report

List of students and scores for the ASVAB test as well as CCMR and Bonus CCMR status.

SAT Report

List of students and scores for the SAT test as well as CCMR and Bonus CCMR status.

ACT Report

List of students and scores for the ACT test as well as CCMR and Bonus CCMR status.

TSIA2 Report

List of TSIA2 scores for students as well as CCMR and Bonus CCMR status.

AP Report

List of students who have taken an AP Exam with the score, test, and date as well as CCMR and Bonus CCMR status.

PSAT Report

List of students and scores for the PSAT test as well as CCMR and Bonus CCMR status.

Programs of Study Reports

CTE Programs of Study Report

Lists selected program of study and IBC for each student. Can be filtered by program of study as well

CTE Programs of Study
Completer/Concentrator Report

Users can download a .CSV file that contains credits and status (concentrator/completer) among all Pathways for all/select students

Post-Secondary Reports

Post-Secondary Report

List of students and their associated data pulled from the Post-Secondary Planning page. Some data disaggregation is included in this report

FAFSA Report

List of all students and whether or not they have submitted their FAFSA confirmation

Military Readiness Report

List of students who have enlisted and turned in their DD Form 4 and if it has been submitted to the DOE

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