Post-Secondary Planning and Report (Indiana)

Post-Secondary Planning and Report (Indiana)

The Post-Secondary Planning area allows counselors to keep track of student plans after high school. Clicking “Edit” opens a form that can be completed by the counselor. All of the data for all of the students can be accessed utilizing the Post-Secondary Report found on the Reports page.




The Post-Secondary Plan can be updated by the counselor manually or the Post-Secondary Plan Form can be sent to your student(s) via email and can be found in Utilities>Reports>Form Status Report.


NCAA Eligibility

Criteria for determining NCAA eligibility can be located by clicking “NCAA Eligibility”. The top of the page details the requirements for Division I and Division II while the middle of the page lists the courses taken by and grades awarded to the student as well as the GPA for each division.


NAIA Eligibility

Due to some exceptions made in NAIA eligibility related to when the student took SAT or ACT tests, the NAIA page has information and links related to determining eligibility for the student. It does not contain any student data.

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