Set Caseloads

Set Caseloads

Set Caseloads allows a user to group students in order to view that list of students on the Pathways Dashboard.

To create a caseload

  1. Click Utilities

  2. Click Set Caseload

  3. Click Create New Group

  4. Give your group a name (ex.

  5. Select the students to be added to the group (see options below)

  6. Click Save Changes to All Groups Below

To select students

There is a dropdown menu to add students to a caseload

Caseload Same as Access

This will add all of the students the user has access to into the caseload.

Caseload Limited Per Specifications

This will allow the user to filter and add students to the caseload by graduation year, alphabetically, by gender, or to add individual students.

Select Students

This will allow the user to select students individually from a list or to import a list of student ID numbers.

Select the students to add and click Save Changes


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