How to Generate a Testing Session
How To Generate a Testing Session
Create Testing Period
On the left-side navigation, click Administrative Functions-Testing Periods
Click Add Testing Period
Fill in: School Year, Testing Period Name (name it after exam - for example: Algebra EOC) and Start Date
Click Save
Add Course/Sections
On the left-side navigation, click Administrative Functions-Course/Sections
Click Add Course/Section
Fill in: Course Name, Course Code, Section Name, Section Code, Primary Teacher, School (optional)
Click Save
*Note: If doing a Student Import, these entries must match the corresponding import field data.
Student/Class Roster Import
On the left-side navigation, click Administrative Functions-Imports
Click Student/Class Roster Import
Fill out the spreadsheet to match Student Common ID, Course Code and Section Code exactly
*Note: Students must already be in the system with a Student Common ID - complete the Student Import or enter manually.
Assessment- Generate Sessions
On the left-side navigation, click Assessment-Generate Sessions
Fill in: Department (where the assessment is housed), Testing Period, Assessment, and Course/Section
Click Generate Testing Session
*Note: The assessment must already be created.
Assessment-Testing Sessions to Monitor Assessment
On the left-side navigation, click Assessment-Testing Sessions
Filter to find appropriate testing session
Click on testing session to monitor *Print Scores (Overview) is a report that gives student scores from the assessment