Identify Local Dual Credit and Dual Enrollment Classes

Identify Local Dual Credit and Dual Enrollment Classes

Courses can be marked as Dual Credit or Dual Enrollment here. Courses listed here are courses that have been imported from your SIS.

PW DC-DE Page - Reskin.png
  • For courses that are assigned credits per semester, clients will double the college credit hours

    • Ex. DC Psychology: semester course (0.5 HS credits - 3 college credits, so enter 6.0 to account for the “math”.

  • For courses that are assigned credit per full year, clients can use a 1:1 ratio of college credit hours earned to what is entered in Pathways.

    • Ex. DC Welding: full year course (1.0 HS credits - 4 college credits, so enter 4.0.

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