Military and Career Readiness (Texas)

Military and Career Readiness (Texas)

Military Readiness

Students who have chosen a career in the military will need to complete and submit a DD Form 4 in addition to formally enlisting with the branch of the military of their choosing.

Districts must obtain a completed DD Form 4 “Enlistment/Reenlistment Document-Armed Forces of the United States” from any student who has enlisted. The DD Form 4 must be completed in full, including all required signatures by the student and the enlistment officer.

Counselors will be able to mark students as having:

  • Enlistment,

  • Uploaded or Modified their DD Form 4 to the school/district, and

  • Uploaded their DD Form 4 to the State Department of Education.

The DD Form 4 also appears in the FORMS area at the bottom left side of the Student Worksheet.

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Career Readiness

The Career Readiness area contains quite a few data points for consideration, including IBCs, Programs of Study, and Concentrator/Completer Status.

Industry-Based Certifications (IBCs) and Certificates

Industry-Based Certification: defined as a validation or license that an individual possesses certain industry specific skills that meets two or more of the following:

(a) related to the performance requirements of a career or occupation, measured against a set of industry accepted standards, and not dependent upon a particular curriculum or program;

(b) earned by successfully completing an assessment that demonstrates the individual’s proficiency of the prescribed standards; or

(c) time-limited credential, for which an individual needs to meet ongoing professional training and/or testing requirements to maintain the certification.

>In Pathways most SISs auto-synch the data for IBC’s; however, they can be selected from a pre-populated list and are added to the Student Worksheet. IBC’s can also be imported via: UTILITIES>IMPORT DATA>IMPORT INDUSTRY-BASED CERTIFICATIONS.

> House Bill 773 (2021) requires TEA to include Program of Study Completers as an indicator within the accountability system. To allow districts time to implement programs of study aligned to industry-based certifications (IBCs), the following transition timeline provides guidance on how the alignment will be phased in.

Certificate: a formal award granted by an IHE (Institution of Higher Education) certifying the satisfactory completion of a higher education program. Upon completion, a certificate is valid without further action on the individual’s part. Certificates are usually awarded in workforce education areas by public and private two-year institutions. In Texas, certificates can have different levels, often based on the number of hours required by the certificate program.

  • Level I certificate: awarded for completing a program consisting of at least 15 and no
    more than 42 semester credit hours.

  • Level II certificate: awarded for completing a program of at least 30 but not more
    than 51 semester credit hours.

>In Pathways digital copies of certificates can be uploaded and stored in the student’s profile by selecting the certificate level and clicking on the corresponding “Upload Certificate” button.

Programs of Study

Clicking on the “View Synopsis” link will expand to display the courses that are available for that Program of Study, including grades for completed courses. Counselors can select from up to 4 different Programs of Study for tracking purposes.

Whether a student is categorized as a CTE “Concentrator” or “Completer” is dependent upon the level and number of courses completed within any given Program of Study.






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