Versions Compared


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Use this page to review the available options for rubrics. If using a licensed rubric, options are limited. The Rubric Template


is a great resource to start.

Rubric Set Up

Open each carrot to determine the Rubric Set Up options. Each rubric uploaded into Evaluation must include a Y/N answer for each question.

titleRubric Does Not Use Scripting

In Observation window, a scripting box does not populate.

titleAllow Standards to be marked "Not Applicable"
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titleShow text boxes below each standard

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titleShow text boxes below each standard in Finalization process

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titleShow text boxes below each domain in Finalization process

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titleShow text boxes below each standard in Self-assessment

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titleEach Indicator can be marked separately

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titleAllow staff member to make a comment electronically on finalization
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Finalization/Summative Worksheet per Rubric

Open each carrot to determine the Finalization/Summative scoring options. Each rubric uploaded into Evaluation must have a Finalization/Summative Worksheet completed.

titleStandards and Domains are both assigned ratings

EER Score is entered as decimal numerical value. If requested, radio buttons like the standard score could replace numerical field. Each standard score will default to 1.0.

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titleStandard Only are assigned ratings (domain is averaged)

Each standard must be selected but the Domain Score will automatically calculate.

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titleIndicators - Standard & Domain Auto Calculated

Evaluators will select each individual descriptor which will automatically calculate the Standard and Domain.

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titleDomains Only are assigned ratings

Only the Domains are assigned ratings. Not applicable to show standards on PDF

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titleNo Points - Just Select Items on Rubric & Final Rating

Final Rating is chosen by Evaluator and not dependent on rubric selections.

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Rubric Outline Requirements


A. Domain Title

  • Weight - The total of each Domain should equal 100%.
