Town Hall Resources

Town Hall Resources

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We recently hosted our first ever Pathways Town Hall! Above all else, we value your time and feedback. We're incredibly proud to support the vital work you do in guiding students toward success, and we're excited to continue this journey with you. In case you missed it, please see the overview below.

You can also download the overview by clicking here -

If you need anything at all, please don’t hesitate to reach out! Thank you!



What features have been recently released in Pathways?

  • Enhanced Data Features

    • Built in graphical analysis

    • Ability to create and bookmark custom dashboards

    • Demographic filters on dashboards and reporting

    • Additional reports based on user requests and feedback

  • Counselor Activity Logging

    • Now available for all levels, including elementary

    • Includes ability to log on specific students as well as general activities

    • Texas Counseling Domains (SB179, 80/20) reporting for personal, school, and district levels

  • TEXAS: CCMR Bonus Funding Estimator

    • Utilizes student demographic information, along with the CCMR status of each student, to provide an estimate of the potential bonus funding available to districts

  • INDIANA: New Diploma Updates

    • Updated diploma progress details including additional requirements

    • Integrated tracking of seal requirements

What is coming soon for Pathways?

  • TestHound/Pathways Integration

    • Enhanced data ingestion

    • Additional tracking for: HB1416, EOC tester eligibility, and concordance scores

    • Navigation between two powerful products

  • Enhanced 4 Year Planner

    • Drag and drop functionality

    • Granular default diploma type setup

    • Planned course reporting based on local coding​

  • MyPathways Family Portal

    • Securely share information with students and parents

    • Collect course requests and report on selections via local code

    • Collect form data and PGP signatures

Are all of the features listed above included in the current subscription price?

All features for grades 9-12 will be included... YES, even the MyPathways family portal! Additional students, such as adding elementary levels for logging purposes, will incur a minimal cost

General Questions

How can Pathways be customized for my district’s specific needs?

  • Flags: A way to visually see and group students. Example types of groupings to track. . .

    • Zero period

    • Other graduation requirements

    • Off-campus

    • Career-Center that does not have a unique campus ID

  • Diploma Types: Within each of the diploma types you can customize . . .

    • Local courses and/or state courses to add that are atypical to the curriculum or program of study

  • Programs of Study: The ability to track a subgroup like students of an Early College program by listing courses that are specific to obtaining an Associates Degree by creating a local sequence of study.

How can Pathways assist with auditing data on a deeper level?

  • Duplicate Course Enrollment Report: Find instances where student is enrolled or scheduled to take a course which they’ve already received credit. Pathways looks for courses . . .

    • In-progress currently

    • Scheduled currently

    • Scheduled in future

  • Grade Anomalies Report looks for . . .

    • Credit earned without a passing grade

    • Credit NOT earned with a passing grade

    • Course with credit but NOT marked as “Counts toward GPA”

  • CTE Completer/Concentrator Report: Shows credits and completer/concentrator status for all students

What are innovative ways other districts are using Pathways?

  • Employability Skills (IN): Track, request, organize, manage, and complete work-based experiences.

  • Diploma Tracking (IN): Proactively meeting need to cover new diploma changes.

    • Academics/courses per diploma type

    • Supplemental document for STEM courses with alignment

    • Seals and requirements

  • Forms: Create, send and collect messages and forms to individuals or en masse

    • Post Secondary Contact Info

    • FAFSA

    • Employment Verification

  • Diploma Requirement Report: Global look at student academic progress.

    • Identifies academic “At-risk” factors with credit deficiencies

    • Filters and Search tools to drill down to a specific area

How is Pathways different from other CCMR trackers?

Great question! Pathways is unique because we are a comprehensive counseling tool. We allow you to track student graduation requirements including credits, diploma progress, post secondary contact info, etc. AND state accountability requirements (including CCMR) all in one place.

Can other grade levels utilize Pathways?

Absolutely! Many districts add 8th graders into Pathways to use our 4 year planner, which is about to get even more robust. Additionally, you can utilize the Counselor Logging feature on any grade (K-12). It streamlines the process for all counselors and allows for easy district level reporting.

We have Xello ...how Pathways is integrated? What is the cost?

There is no additional cost to integrate Pathways & Xello! You can access a student’s information in Xello at the click of a button. On a student’s Pathways Graduation Worksheet, you will see a “Xello” icon in the top right that allows you to hop over.

Note: Let your Customer Success Manager know, and we’ll set up the connection on our side! You can also reach out to Xello and they will set up the connection back to Pathways.

MyPathways Family Portal

How will parent and student accounts be created?

This answer may be slightly different based on your SIS/SMS and SSO provider! We are currently working with a couple of SIS/SMS providers as well as ClassLink to develop the smoothest rostering protocol possible.

Do we have to give access to all information to all students and/or families?

No! Districts have a very granular level of control. You’ll be able to decide...

  • Who has access to MyPathways

  • What information is displayed

  • Permissions of each role

Additionally, Pathways will not send any direct communication to users when accounts are created.

Where will the portal be located within Pathways?

You will be able to select “Portal View” from student graduation worksheets to see exactly what the student/parent sees.

When will the MyPathways Family Portal be released?

We are planning for a Spring 2025 release date! If you are interested in accessing the portal earlier, please reach out to your Customer Success Manager.

4 Year Planner

Will course requests be tied to our SIS/SMS?

We have already built a first iteration of our 4 Year Planner Course Request Summary, which could be exported from Pathways and uploaded to your SIS/SMS. We are actively seeking feedback on what formatting needs to be in order for this to be most useful.

Can counselors confirm student selections?

Yes! If your district chooses to utilize Pathways for course selection, students will be able to make preference selections but cannot overwrite the counselors sections. A counselor will be able to view student preferences on the 4 Y ear Planner and can then choose to approve or reject them.

Can I batch report an entire grade of the 4 year planner?

Yes! From your dashboard or any report within Pathways, select as many students as you’d like. Click “Export PDF” and select “PGP”. It is important to note that each district can select what is included on the printable version of the PGP, including the 4 Year Planner.

Feature Requests

Will there be an option to invite 3rd party stakeholders to submit information for our students?

You currently have the ability to send forms to 3rd party stakeholders as well as add them as users in Pathways. The level of access may need to be explored as the “View Only” option would display confidential information, but the “No Access” choice would mean they could not see individual students. Let’s set a meeting to work through it!

Could a feature be added to display failed/recovery credits on the Graduation Worksheet for required credits?

Great idea! We can certainly explore that. Let us know what exactly you would need that to look like and we can create a detailed feature request.

For the Indiana Seals will those be able to select as targets and then will students be able to see the requirements?

This was requested in a previous webinar as well! It's on the list of features for us to explore. If you have specific ideas on how this could work best for you, please don’t hesitate to reach out to your Customer Success Manager.

Does Pathways have Work Based Learning tracking?

Not at the moment, but we are actively working towards incorporating this into the MyPathways Family Portal. If you have any specific thoughts or questions regarding this topic please contact your customer success manager! We’d love your feedback.

Training & Support

Are there training sessions for new counselors and/or to learn about updates?

Yes! Click here to register for a Pathways Pointers session or refresher training!

If you need 1:1 support, reach out to your Customer Success Manager.

How do I get support?

  • Join us for Pathways Pointers​ (held every Wednesday)

  • Create a Support Ticket​ (Support - Create Support Ticket)

  • Access our Help Center​ (Support - Help Center)

  • Contact your Customer Success Manager​

Who is my Pathways Customer Success Manager?

Questions? For support, please submit a ticket ! Enter Ticket