Learning Target and Standard Alignment Tips and Tricks

All of the analytics in Embarc are tied to learning targets at the topic level - as such, it is important that the alignment of learning targets within your courses is done correctly for accurate depiction of standard coverage. There are several ways to quickly check for alignment health within an Embarc course, as well as remedy issues that you may have noticed. Lastly, we’d like to offer a few tips and tricks for starting on the right foot for alignment and some common FAQ’s.

Alignment Quick Checks

Check the number of learning targets in your course. This is indicated by the number in the upper right hand corner of the course scope and sequence page and shows that learning targets have, in fact, been created. If you click on this number, it does the same action as clicking on the “Learning Targets” tab at the top of the course scope and sequence page - opening up a list of all learning targets within your course.

Check the standard alignment of your learning targets. Clicking on either the “Learning Targets” tab at the top of the course or the number of learning targets in the upper right hand corner of the course scope and sequence page will open a list of all learning targets created for your course. You have the ability to group these alphabetically, by unit, by topic, or by standard. If a learning target has not been aligned to a standard, it will be noted as following in each grouping:

Check the course attachment of your learning targets. Similarly to checking the standards alignment of a learning target, you can check if a learning target has not been attached within a course by accessing the learning targets tab at the course level. If a learning target has not been attached to a course, it will be noted as following in each grouping:

Tips and Tricks


I don’t have any learning targets in the upper right hand corner of my course. What should I do first?

I have a lot of learning targets that say Not Used by a Topic. What should I do?

I know I made a lot of learning targets, and my standards map doesn’t show any coverage - what happened?

I have a lot of learning targets that are exactly the same. What are my options?

I added standards at the course and unit level. Why don’t I see that coverage on my standards map?

I have lots of learning targets that say Not Aligned to a Standard. What should I do?

My learning targets appear to be aligned, but I’m still not seeing standard coverage expected. What could be happening?

My learning targets appear to be attached, but I’m still not seeing standard coverage expected. What could be happening?