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Info |
This page lists a series of tutorials for staff members who are being evaluated within the Education Advanced Evaluation system learn the program navigation, tools, and observation process. Note: Each district has a unique evaluation protocol and their site setup is customized to meet the district needs. Thus what you see in the videos may not be identical to your district. Evaluation items and names may be different but the navigation, tools, and functions are the same. |
Scroll the page to select a video or choose a title from the list below.
Table of Contents |
minLevel | 1 |
maxLevel | 2 |
type | flat |
separator | pipe |
Viewing tip: Use the picture-in-picture tool in the video player options to view the video while on your evaluation site to follow along.
Personal Settings
Topic: Change Password, Personal Settings, Site Defaults
Dashboards Part 1
Topic: Action Items, Evaluator Email Settings, Overview Dashboard
Dashboards Part 2
Topic: Review individual tasks dashboards: Checklist, Observation, Walk-through, Artifacts, Professionals Development Tasks Forms, Finalization
Completing an Observation Module
Topic: Review the varies components of an observation module
Widget Connector |
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Topic: Submit an Artifact and align to the evaluation rubric
Preliminary Marks and Final Marks
Topic: Align observation evidence to the rubric using preliminary marks and final marks
Topic: How to access and complete evaluation forms
Professional Development Tasks
Topic: Utilizing the professional development task form
Finalization / Summative
Topic: Completing the end-of-cycle Finalization/Summative
Topic: Overview of the various reports available