Assigning Test Administrators to Rooms

To add a teacher as a test administrator/proctor, click on the room number within the Tests view


By selecting a room number, you will be taken to the Rooms view page within the test

  • A drop-down menu on the right will allow the school user to select the teacher


Once the teacher is chosen from the drop-down menu select Add Teacher

  • The teacher's name will be displayed indicating they are assigned to the room


Multiple teachers can be added to each room.  Choose the teacher from the drop-down menu and select Add Teacher

You can use the room drop-down at the top of the rooms table, to teacher’s name

  • Repeat this process to assign teachers as test administrators for each room within the test

  • To close the Room View select Close Room View to return to the main test page



→ Go to the next step Navigating Within an Administration


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