Changes made on this page can be applied to any of the current grade levels in the system. All grade levels should be selected if the change is to be made to all cohorts. Various grade level changes can be viewed by clicking the links at the top of the page.
Academic and Technical Honors Cutoff
The school can decide whether a C or C- is used as the cutoff for courses counted toward Academic Honors or Technical Honors Diplomas.
8th Grade Credits
If your school counts 8th grade courses directly toward high school credit AND the courses will be used toward the high school GPA, select the first option.If your school counts 8th grade courses directly toward high school credit and the courses will NOT be used toward the high school GPA, select the second option.
If your school replicates 8th grade courses in the 9th grade year in order to count them toward high school credit, the courses will NOT be used at all from 8th grade. Select select the third option.
CTE Grade Equivalents
The primary GPA for the student is pulled in from the SIS or is imported into the system manually. However, the CTE GPA is one of a couple places where Pathways calculates the GPA for you. The grade equivalents set in this area will determine the CTE GPA that is displayed on the student Pathways worksheet.