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Designated Supports and Accommodations ReportsMaster Accommodations:The Master Accommodations report allows the user to pull an accommodation report for all students in TestHound, or by specific test administrations, based on your chosen specifications. You can utilize the Test Admin: dropdown to run the master accommodations report for specific test administrations. Note: Choosing different options on this report will act as a filter showing you only the students who meet the criteria you choose. **NEW!** The report will default to our New-Excel Friendly version, which will allow you to filter the report once it is downloaded or you can select our standard report which includes a signature line and TestHound logo! For a broader scope of students and accommodations, you can let the report run as it defaults, which is to all students, all subjects, and all accommodations, or limit your filtered selections. After selecting the Master Accommodations report, you will be able to configure the report for all or specific test administrations by selecting from the following categories:
The report can be generated and exported to Excel, PDF, or Word. It is recommended that this report be exported to Excel since it is already set up in a spreadsheet (matrix) format. The report has a signature line at the bottom to assist in the verification process. It is important to not select "students with no accommodations" and "All Accommodations" at the same time. Also, it is important to note that this is a dynamic report. When an option such as STAAR ALT2 is not available as a checkable field under the test version, it means no student has been assigned that test type. Room Accommodations:The Room Accommodations report allows the user to pull an accommodation report by room for a specific test within a test administration that shows student accommodation information. This report will also contain the test version and population (504, SPED, LEP) information. You will be able to configure your report similarly to the Master Accommodations report by selecting from several options:
Student Test ACC: The Student Test Accommodations report allows the user to pull an accommodation report by student for all tests within the test administration that students that have been scheduled. Students must be placed in a room in order to for report to pull. This report shows student accommodation information. This report will also contain the test version and population (504, SPED, LEP) information. You will be able to configure your report by selecting from several options: STUDENTS NEED TO BE ASSIGNED TO ROOMS TO RUN THIS REPORT.