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Forms for validating Employability Skills can be sent to students from within Pathways via a message request. The process of requesting, tracking, and submitting a request is tracked from beginning to end. If you have a custom form you’d like completed by your students, please submit it to us via a support ticket. Template emails can be created in Utilities>District Settings>Manage Email Templates. A form can be attached to an email template and sent to a student from Pathways. You can also send a form to a group of students using Reports>Form Status Report.

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Send a form request or message to a student.

If you would like to send a message and/or a form to a student or another person (teacher, coach, mentor, employer etc.) to be completed and submitted for validation of Box 2 - Employability Skills, follow the steps below:

  1. Click “Send New Request to Student” in the “Forms & Validations” section if the message is to go to the student. Click “Send New Request to Other” if the message is to go to anyone else.

  2. If you have email templates set up, select the template you’d like to use from the template list. If you you’d like to create an additional email template, click “Email Templates”. If you have no templates available, go to Utilities>District Settings>Manage Email Templates. Once you create a template, it will appear in the templates list.

  3. If you do NOT have email templates set up, you can simply type the message into the text boxes provided.

  4. The student’s email address will be automatically populated in the email field. If “Other” is selected, once a recipient’s information is added to the system, subsequent messages will populate automatically upon typing the recipient’s name.

  5. Edit or modify the message as needed, and click “Send Email”.

The email will be sent to the student with the form attached (if the template was setup with a form)


Validating Employability Skills

Once a student has submitted appropriate documentation for validation and completion of their targeted Employability Skill(s), click “View Response” to validate the submission and Box 2.

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Once “View Response” is clicked, the page below will display for validation of the Employability Skill. You can approve the Employability Skill or reject it, and you can add a note to the page that will be sent to the student after you click “Submit”.


Multiple students' submissions can be validated at the same time by accessing Reports>Validations/Forms Ready for Review within Pathways. You can also access this list by clicking To Do… at the top of the page and selecting “XX Forms Awaiting Review”.


Uploading an attachment manually

If you’d like to manually upload a document that validates an Employability Skill or if you’d like to upload any other document to the student’s Pathways account follow the steps below. Suggested uploadable items could be attendance records, certificates and credentials from Post-Secondary Ready Competencies, and any other document needed to be kept digitally for the student.

  1. On the student’s Graduation Worksheet under Additional Attachments, click “Choose File”.

  2. Browse out to the location of the file on your computer, and select the file.

  3. Click “Upload Attachment Now”.

  4. The file will be uploaded to the student’s Pathways account and listed under the Additional Attachments area.