Widget Connector | ||||
Send a message and/or a form request to a student.
If you would like to send a message and/or a form to a student or another person (teacher, coach, mentor, employer etc.) to be completed and submitted for validation of Box 2 - Employability Skills, follow the steps below. :
Click “Student” under Validations / Forms if the message is to go to the student. Click “Other” if the message is to go to anyone else.
If you have email templates set up, select the template you’d like to use from the dropdown list. If you’d like to create an email template, click the “Email Templates” link. Once you create a template, it will appear in the templates list. Email templates can also be found in Utilities>District Settings>Manage Email Templates.
If you do NOT have email templates set up, you can simply type the message into the
The student’s email address will be automatically populated in the email field. If “Other” is selected, once a recipient’s information is added to the system, subsequent messages will populate automatically upon typing the recipient’s name.
Edit or modify the message as needed, and click “Send Email”.
The email will be sent to the student with the form attached (if the template was setup with a form)